
slightly scent of hydrangea

while you’re still sleeping...

i have caught a scent of something sweet, 
maybe the mixture of greens and flowers floating 
in the air and has come to me by the wind, 

i remembered you caught 
a slight scent of hydrangea in that park..

it was really slight scent 
that i felt its really hard to catch..and 

i was happy that you have that sensitive nose...

so that we can share beauty and joy of life 
with the small beautiful things 
which make our life brighter

i was reading a book called 
‘Patt of silver forest’
by Lucy M Montgomery, 
where i has just read 
they are counting small beautiful things

and noticed i, and you are the ones 
who can share their feelings..too

it’s one big thing i really appreciate..

have a beautiful morning


i don’t see what’s in your mind

i see what you’re feeling

it’s all i can feel and trust about

but people tend to weight
what they’re trying to believe in their mind

so i sometimes make mistake
only following what i feel you’re feeling


morning mood

you wrote me before
that you are rather listener...

you’re right, 
you always patiently listen to my story, 
till the end
always, letting me talk first.

i’m really happy 
to have a great person like you 
for i’m the one who always 
want to share many things...to you
yet although i want to hear you too 
so you should talk about you sometimes...

and i’m really happy now. 
you hear me and i feel i’m accepted as i am
i’m in the calm peaceful feeling
and want to talk to you more...
maybe this kind of thing i’m going to share 
is what i want to share you most, 
more than what i experienced or saw 
or the things i felt inside myself
because i can feel it with you

so read this slowly, 
try to feel the mood i had, 
like when i share my photos, 
this time only with words...
but try to feel as you are here with me...

*   *   *

in morning mood, 
i often awake around so early
when the sun about to rise, 
still staying in my bed,
feeling it, 
trying to hold it
or staying in the air
as long as i can...

it’s the time 
getting lighter outside, 
birds are singing so early 
and loudly. 
i can see the big tree 
next to and over my house. 

the air is still cool and moist..

it’s early morning and 
you’ve never been here in morning, 
but i feel like you are here, 
near the tree, 
floating in the air
embraced in the deep green leaves.

maybe the air smells and feels
like what we had and felt
in the park the evening we met for the last time.
or the place we visited on the first day we met.

you can feel it
we can still feel it together 

i try to feel, sense,
realize and recognize it...
i want to hold,
don’t want to loose but stay still...

and i fall asleep again 
until the time i really have to get up. 

it’s the time i keep with tender 
not to awake so clearly but 
to stay in the state of dreaming and
in my sense


good morning my dear
have a beautiful day


beauty of nature

love is most beautiful thing we know

and beauty is love




when i have its bliss

i want to see all
i want to hear
i want to taste
i want to smell
i want to experience

i want to feel


and i do feel all
with every surface of my skin
with mouthful of the air
sinking into its depth
or floating to the highest

it's enough
but i want more

how can i taste the most
there's not any limit

we want higher and higher

this is love

this is

just me



there’s no memory
faded away

it’s still there
where you don’t see
inside at the deepest part

it comes out
clearly and vividly

when you need it


i tell you
it didn't fade away really

your voice
your eyes
your hands
your words...
all in me
i still remember vividly

ぼやけて かすんだ
ただ わたしの視えないところに
そこに ちゃんとある
時折り 不意に
鮮明に 蘇り


you see

if you feel this closer and magical
it’s because you see this
through my eyes

if you feel the air as if you’re with me
and makes you calm like i do feel
it’s because I capture all for you to see

it’s not what someone unknown took
somewhere at far end of the world
even if it’s a breathtaking view
it’s kind of what you feel so far

this view here is all for you
it’s only for you to feel with me
that’s why you feel it so close
even beyond thousands of miles
you’re here and feel it through me

treasures i find

i find little treasure each day,
beautiful thing one can find 
the moment i love
which nature gives me
every single day

it’s me

that’s all and the best i can do
cause there’s only the beautiful 
i can see in the world

it’s my world
where i can create
anything i want to see